On Wed, Feb 02, 2022 at 06:23:30AM -0600, Russell Hernandez Ruiz wrote:
> On Wed, 2022-02-02 at 08:12 +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > Show the (libre software) world what is already done to get there.
> > 
> > In other words:
> >   Make it possible that reviewing of the packaging came be started.
> I've attached everything.

       ... many lines ...

>  Package: hyx
>  Version: 2021.06.09-1
>  Architecture: amd64
>  Maintainer: Russell Hernandez Ruiz <qrp...@hyperlife.xyz>
>  Installed-Size: 61
>  Depends: libc6 (>= 2.33)
>  Section: editors
>  Priority: optional
>  Multi-Arch: foreign
>  Homepage: https://yx7.cc/code/
>  Description: minimalistic but powerful vim-like hex editor
>   A minimalistic (< 2300 lines of C) vim-like hex editor.
>   It can display ASCII with colors, insert/replace/delete,
>   copy/paste, undo/redo, and search.

       ... many lines ...

Is there a VCS,  Version Control System,  that has hyx debian packaging?

(Please recieve that yes-no-question as a conversation starter)

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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