Hi Michael,

On Fri, 1 Oct 2021 10:29:27 -0500 Michael Lustfield <mich...@lustfield.net>
> [ moving back to rsnapshot ]
> > [...]
> > Debian package. The only bug of "serious" severity classification is 
> > this one. But when my uninformed assessment is at odds with an actual 
> > Debian maintainer, I have no choice but to assume that there is an 
> > important factor which I am blind to.<<
> There are definitely options; I'm just one person with an opinion. It's
> entirely possible all of my previous reasoning has been permanently fixed
> I'm just too jaded to see that. If such a scenario were to be our present
> then it would be very easy for someone else to just hop in, grab this, and
> maintain (own) it indefinitely (... or until such time it must be retired).
>   ^ This could be you, anyone that commented on this thread, etc.
> If, however, my $super_notsosecret reasoning still holds water,
> then... that won't be so easy and it becomes a self-solving problem.
> >>I understand that it's not your 
> > responsibility to teach me just to satisfy my idle curiosity, so we can 
> > leave it at that.
> It's actually very difficult for me to not launch into a long-winded rant,
> thank-you for prompting me to provide this additional explanation.

I heard of this issue around rsnapshot in Debian in recent months from various
information sources. While I completely understand your opinion, this looks
like another unexpected consequence due to Debian's strong package maintenance
ownership. I am not against your decision, but I am wondering if the following
actions would work for you:

1) Package the latest rsnapshot release 1.4.4 as-is, but still keep this RC
bug open since it is not considered suitable for Stable release, or

2) Orphan package rsnapshot since you find this software not maintainable, or

3) Remove it from Debian archive as you originally planned.

My personal thought is that some actions would be better than getting stuck
here, and I am also interested in the next step. At least I believe doing
nothing does not fall into the category of package maintenance.

Boyuan Yang

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