Package: hiera-eyaml
Version: 3.2.2-2
Severity: serious


I usually use "eyaml edit FILE.eyaml" to edit files.
It's currently broken for me on sid.

Even this simpler command fails:

  $ eyaml version
  Traceback (most recent call last):
        7: from /bin/eyaml:25:in `<main>'
        6: from /bin/eyaml:25:in `load'
        5: from 
`<top (required)>'
        4: from 
        3: from 
        2: from 
 `block in find'
        1: from 
 `block (2 levels) in find': undefined method `dependencies' for 
#<Gem::StubSpecification:0x00005976067305c0> (NoMethodError)

Downgrading ruby-rubygems from 3.3.5-2 (sid) to 3.2.5-2 (Bullseye)
fixes the problem.

This looks like


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