On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 08:44:48PM +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> > 
> > As I said, we generally don't update single files in tetex, because
> > it would simply be too much work - it would mean to maintain our
> > own, Debian-specific TeX distribution.  We do consider updating
> > certain critical things, but for sure this requires that the
> > upstream author says "you should *really* have this", and not just
> > posts it somewhere in Usenet.
> > 
> Is that a acceptable answer for you?

Not really, but...

> In texmf.cnf should be a local texmf tree be defined and you're free
> to put the file in question into that one. You may even divert
> seminar.bg2 if it is necessary.

This is much more suitable. Thank you for explaining the package setup.

> I suggest to tag that bug as wonfix and wait until the file made it
> into upstream and the upstream release into Debian. If teTeX dies it
> will happen in a TeX-Live release.

Fine with me. So others can see the bug and an appropriate workaround.

Thank you for looking into this gain.



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