Am 24.02.22 um 22:23 schrieb Soenke:
Package: network-manager
Version: 1.35.91-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

when bringing up the WWAN connection on my laptop using plasma-nm, 
NetworkManager fails
to update the nameserver entries via resolvconf, making the connection
Updating nameserver information works for the WiFi interface and used to
work for WWAN up until recently without issues (last tried on February
15th, I don't use WWAN that regularly). Last update to network-manager
happened on Feb 20th. The old version 1.34 is not in the archive anymore
so I can't test if it is a regression due to the update.

"nmcli device show" shows the correct nameserver addresses as IP4.DNS[1]
and IP4.DNS[2], they just do not get passed on to resolvconf.

resolvconf -i shows nothing when connected to WWAN and "NetworkManager"
when connected to, e.g., WiFi.

Please let me know if more information is required.

It's probably best if you test the latest version 1.36.0 and if the problem persists, file this upstream at

They'll like want at debug log of NetworkManager as a first start

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