
On 11/03/22 at 09:41 +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> Dear Lucas,
> Not the worst of ideas, but it might be useful to keep in mind that the
> reason I use the 1.0 source format is to be able to wrap up debian
> packages directly from the upstream repository without releasing
> upstream tarballs.  The 3.0 (quilt) format is not suitable for this.
> It should be possible to do also with newer formats, I believe, but I
> have not looked at how to do it.
> The upstream git repo was on alioth, and the archived git package need
> to be moved to salsa to continue development.  The code really is
> feature complete, as far as I am concerned, so I do not expect much
> development will take place.  After all, it has been unchanged since
> 2014 for a reason.

In that case, I don't understand why you don't use a native package
instead? (And 3.0 (native) ?)


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