Package: prometheus-node-exporter
Version: 1.3.1-1

/etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter contains a huge amount of comments
indicating what possible command line options are available for the

Those comments either will get out of date as the package is upgraded
(meaning, they'll be wrong), or, for an admin who has set anything in
ARGS, they'll cause dpkg to warn that a config file is being changed
during package upgrade.

Both of these things are pretty tedious for an admin to deal with.

The comments also recapitulate the date in the associated manpage, which
*will* be kept up-to-date across a package upgrade.

It would be better if /etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter shipped as
(in total):

# Set the command-line arguments to pass to the server in ARGS below.
# Due to shell escaping, to pass backslashes for regexes, you need to double
# them (\\d for \d). If running under systemd, you need to double them again
# (\\\\d to mean \d), and escape newlines too.
# See prometheus-node-server(1) for acceptable arguments.


(the stuff about different forms of escaping is also unfortunate, but
that's probably a different issue)


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