On 11/04/2022 15:35, martin f krafft wrote:
Then I think a better UI/UX for user-defined tools, and possibly the ability to invoke any subset of them automatically during the scan would do just fine.

I'm sure the UI/UX could be improved. I'd love to hear any suggestions.

If you look at the post-processing tab of the scan window, you should be able to invoke any of the user-defined tools as part of your workflow.

Also, have a look at how Geeqie does user-defined actions, using |.desktop| entries. Not the nicest, but it's a standard, and means it can easily be brought into the menus.

Having units like |.desktop| files also means we could start a |contrib| collection for gscan2pdf, rather than providing them all off the shelf for everyone.

I'd not seen Geeqie before. Thanks for the heads-up.

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