Package: v2ray

Version: 4.34.0-1

Control: severity -1 serious

This bug is submitted by upstream developers for a serious DoS bug within V2Ray that have been patched in upstream since 05 Dec 2021, and subsequently published but remain unpatched in Debian. The fix for this bug is included in v4.44.0 (

It have been identified as:

CVE-2021-4070 (

This vulnerability allows a VMess Server controlled by an attacker to crash a VMess Client by sending a specially crafted handshake response reply with an (optional) VMess SwitchAccount Command that is one byte shorter than expected. This vulnerability does NOT allow the attacker to retrieve any information from a client other than it used an unpatched version of the software and does NOT allow attacker to control the unpatched software or system. It is strongly recommended for all users to apply this security update at the earliest possible opportunity. We would like to thank geeknik for the responsible disclosure of this vulnerability.


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