Looking at the changes for prometheus/common v0.26.0, I see:

- Replace go-kit/kit/log with go-kit/log

This just jogged my memory as to what the issue is. For whatever reason,
the log level is not set correctly if the exporter still uses
go-kit/kit/log (instead of the newer go-kit/log) and is built with
prometheus/common v0.26.0 or later.

blackbox_exporter v0.19.0 still uses go-kit/kit/log, so the options are
either to patch that in Debian to use go-kit/log, or update to
blackbox_exporter v0.20.0, which uses the latter.

On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 8:08 PM Daniel Swarbrick <daniel.swarbr...@ionos.com>

> Several months ago I encountered the same bug with
> prometheus-smokeping-prober, and fixed it, but my brain is a bit foggy
> right now as to what the root cause was.
> However, for prometheus-blackbox-exporter at least, the --log.level flag
> is respected so long as you build / run it with the dependency versions
> specified by go.mod - up until using prometheus/common v0.26.0 or later -
> at which point the --log.level flag is no longer honoured. This version
> number sticks in my mind from the smokeping_prober bug too.
> I will follow up with more information shortly.

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