15.05.2022 09:43, Michael Tokarev wrote:
Meanwhile can you please try moving qemu bits away from /usr/lib/binfmt.d/
(this particular architecture should be enough), and see if that helps?
I don't know what's needed for binfmt-support to re-register its fmt
though, - a reboot should help but there is definitely a shorter way.

Hm. It looks like there's an error in systemd binfmt registration, which
effectively does not work at all - the files in /usr/lib/binfmt.d/ should
have .conf extension.  So there was no changes in qemu binfmt handling
between qemu -2 and -3, iirc.  Except that now, for a new install, this
registration will not be done at all!

Which makes the following even more important:

Speaking of mmdebstrap: why does it try to "fall back"?  Did it try this
before, or is it intentional?  The thing is that today, qemu-user-static
is transparent (or should be anyway), there's no need to run it explicitly,
it is done the binfmt-misc way so *bootstrap should not notice the arch
it is installing is foreign.  It is okay if mmdebstrap does that since
historic times when this transparency didn't work, and it is not okay
if it expects such transparency now but it doesn't work.

If you rename qemu-foo into qemu-foo.conf in /usr/lib/binfmt.d/ and
restart systemd-binfmt.service, it should work.  I think.



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