Package: hw-detect
Version: 1.148

Dear Maintainers,

While working on my customized Debian installer (DI) I noticed that the DI INITRD from the current "debian-11.3.0-*-netinst.iso" files (at least for AMD64 and ARM64 architectures) contains probably obsolete source code in the following file:

- In the "./usr/lib/post-base-installer.d/60install-mouseemu" file from the "hw-detect_1.147_*.udeb" package (at least for AMD64 and ARM64 architectures) all source code seems to be obsolete, because the "mouseemu" package was removed from Debian approx. 2 years ago (see "";).

I checked the "hw-detect" 1.148 package and the "60install-mouseemu" file is the same. My customized DI seems to work normally without the mentioned source code. But my DI also has various other removed and modified files, so verify/test what I found if you need.

Best Regards

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