
On Fri, 2022-05-06 at 20:50:08 -0700, Kees Cook wrote:
> Package: dpkg-dev
> Version: 1.21.7
> Severity: normal

> Please add "-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero" for GCC 12 (which is the first
> release of GCC to provide this flag).
> It goes well with the other important security flaw mitigation flags
> already enabled in Debian:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening#dpkg-buildflags
> While many variables are initialized (due to -Wuninitialized), there is
> a blind spot for variables passed by reference, padding, and cases where
> -Wuninitialized just fails to track it. Universally wiping the variables
> eliminates nearly the entire class of uninitialized stack variable use
> (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/457.html) with nearly no overhead
> (e.g. any duplicate assignments will already be squashed during dead
> store elimination, etc).

Ah, this flag is great, it's a pity the C standard would not declare
this the default behavior though. :/

Checking https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-12/+bug/1972043
that covers my main concerns I think.

The clang position on =zero seems concerning though. I also hope no
security related project is using the uninitialized memory (UB) to
seed something like an PRNG or similar. :/

(Enabling this by default means that developers might fail to notice
issue shadowed by this feature, and this could then affect builds on
systems where this is not the default. This is less concerning when
enabling it in dpkg-dev than in gcc I guess.)

The usual procedure to add new default flags (in case of hardening
even adding a new flag disabled by default implies more or less being
enabled by default as many packages simply do hardening=+all), would be
but in this case I'm not sure how useful an archive rebuild would be
given that the effect would most probably be seen at run-time, but
only on unexpected conditions. Still bringing this up on debian-devel
would be a first.


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