On 2022-05-29 18:06:52 -0700, Norman Rasmussen wrote:
> Control: forcemerge 996104 1001004 1005928 1006431 1008474
> fyi: I'm force merging duplicate reports to #996104. The bug was fixed
> upstream in 2.8.8, but Debian upgraded to 3.0.3 in the meantime (bullseye
> never had this bug, because it only has version 2.8.4).

Bug 1006431 may have been fixed at the same time as bug 996104,
but this was not the same bug: bug 996104 was typos in the
/etc/kernel/prerm.d/dkms script, so that the

  dkms remove -m $name -v $vers -k $inst_kern -a $arch

command failed due to incorrect arguments. So what I did was to
run the correct command manually. This had the effect to remove
the installed module, but was still leaving some files there.

Or perhaps this command is expected to be run while the kernel
is still installed (it is normally run as a prerm.d script,
while I ran it after the kernel was removed).

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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