Source: libredis-perl
Version: 2:1.9990-1
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20220624 ftbfs-bookworm


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> # make the default explicit
> USE_SSL=0 dh_auto_test
>       /usr/bin/perl Build test --verbose 1
> t/00-compile.t ........... 
> 1..4
> ok 1 - loaded ok
> ok 2 - Redis/ loaded ok
> ok 3 - Redis/ loaded ok
> ok 4 - Redis/ loaded ok
> ok
> t/01-basic.t ............. 
> ok 1 - Got an unconnected object
> ok 2 - ping doesn't work yet
> ok 3 - ping works after connection
> ok 4 - connected to our test redis-server
> ok 5 - ping
> ok 6 - set foo => bar
> ok 7 - setnx foo => bar fails
> ok 8 - get foo = bar
> ok 9 - set foo => ""
> ok 10 - get foo = ""
> ok 11 - set foo => baz
> ok 12 - get foo = baz
> ok 13 - assume $eur is wide character
> ok 14 - accepts only binary data, thus crashes on strings with characters > 
> 255
> ok 15 - .. and crashes on syswrite call
> ok 16 - .. and does not write actual data
> ok 17 - set test-undef
> ok 18 - exists undef
> ok 19 - set with value size 10000 ok
> ok 20 - ... and get was ok to
> ok 21 - set with value size 100000 ok
> ok 22 - ... and get was ok to
> ok 23 - set with value size 500000 ok
> ok 24 - ... and get was ok to
> ok 25 - set with value size 1000000 ok
> ok 26 - ... and get was ok to
> ok 27 - set with value size 2500000 ok
> ok 28 - ... and get was ok to
> ok 29 - exists non-existant
> ok 30 - get non-existant
> ok 31 - key-next = 0
> ok 32 - key-left
> ok 33 - mget
> ok 34 - set key-0
> ok 35 - exists key-0
> ok 36 - get key-0
> ok 37 - incr
> ok 38 - decr
> ok 39 - set key-1
> ok 40 - exists key-1
> ok 41 - get key-1
> ok 42 - incr
> ok 43 - decr
> ok 44 - set key-2
> ok 45 - exists key-2
> ok 46 - get key-2
> ok 47 - incr
> ok 48 - decr
> ok 49 - set key-3
> ok 50 - exists key-3
> ok 51 - get key-3
> ok 52 - incr
> ok 53 - decr
> ok 54 - key-next
> ok 55 - test-incrby
> ok 56 - test-decry
> ok 57 - incrby 3
> ok 58 - decrby 7
> ok 59 - incrby 3
> ok 60 - decrby 7
> ok 61 - incrby 3
> ok 62 - decrby 7
> ok 63 - del key-next
> ok 64 - del key-left
> ok 65 - del non-existing
> ok 66 - type
> ok 67 - key-*
> ok 68 - keys
> ok 69 - randomkey
> ok 70 - rename
> ok 71 - exists test-renamed
> ok 72 - rename to existing key
> ok 73 - dbsize
> ok 74 - Error responses throw exception
> ok 75 - rpush
> ok 76 - rpush
> ok 77 - rpush
> ok 78 - lpush
> ok 79 - lpush
> ok 80 - type
> ok 81 - llen
> ok 82 - lrange
> ok 83 - ltrim
> ok 84 - llen after ltrim
> ok 85 - lindex
> ok 86 - lindex
> ok 87 - lset
> ok 88 - verified
> ok 89 - lrem
> ok 90 - llen after lrem
> ok 91 - lpop
> ok 92 - rpop
> ok 93 - sadd
> ok 94 - sadd
> ok 95 - scard
> ok 96 - sismember
> ok 97 - type is set
> ok 98 - srem
> ok 99 - srem again
> ok 100 - scard
> ok 101 - sinter
> ok 102 - sinterstore
> ok 103 - cardinality of intersection
> ok 104 - sdiff
> ok 105 - sdiffstore
> ok 106 - cardinality of diff
> ok 107 - sunion
> ok 108 - sunionstore
> ok 109 - cardinality of union
> ok 110 - srandmember result is defined
> ok 111
> ok 112 - spop result is defined
> ok 113
> ok 114 - new cardinality of union
> ok 115 - smembers
> ok 116 - repeated smove depleted source
> ok 117 - repeated smove populated destination
> ok 118 - smembers
> ok 119
> ok 120
> ok 121
> ok 122
> ok 123
> ok 124
> ok 125
> ok 126
> ok 127
> ok 128
> ok 129
> ok 130
> ok 131
> ok 132
> ok 133
> ok 134
> ok 135
> ok 136
> ok 137
> ok 138
> ok 139
> ok 140
> ok 141
> ok 142
> ok 143
> ok 144
> ok 145
> ok 146
> ok 147
> ok 148
> ok 149
> ok 150
> ok 151
> ok 152
> ok 153
> ok 154
> ok 155
> ok 156
> ok 157
> ok 158
> ok 159
> ok 160
> ok 161
> ok 162
> ok 163
> ok 164
> ok 165
> ok 166
> ok 167
> ok 168
> ok 169
> ok 170
> ok 171
> ok 172
> ok 173 - select
> ok 174 - select
> ok 175 - move
> ok 176 - gone
> ok 177 - select
> ok 178 - exists
> ok 179 - flushdb
> ok 180 - empty
> ok 181 - put 1
> ok 182 - put 2
> ok 183 - put 3
> ok 184 - put 4
> ok 185 - llen
> ok 186 - sort
> ok 187 - sort DESC
> ok 188 - save
> ok 189 - bgsave
> ok 190 - lastsave
> ok 191 - info
> ok 192 - '... yields a hash' isa 'HASH'
> ok 193 - ... nonempty
> ok 194 - ... with no comments in the keys
> ok 195 - ... with no blank lines in the keys
> ok 196 - ping() is true
> ok 197 - quit
> ok 198 - quit again, ok
> ok 199 - ... but after quit() returns false
> ok 200 - shutdown() once is ok
> ok 201 - ... twice also lives, but returns false
> ok 202 - ping() will be false after shutdown()
> ok 203 - Failed connection throws exception
> 1..203
> ok
> t/02-responses.t ......... 
> ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
> ok 2 - Error response detected
> ok 3 - Text response ok
> ok 4 - Integer response ok
> ok 5 - Size+payload response ok
> ok 6 - Zero-size+payload response ok
> ok 7 - Negative-size+payload response ok
> ok 8 - Simple multi-bulk response ok
> ok 9 - Nested multi-bulk response ok
> ok 10 - Read a NIL multi-bulk response
> ok 11 - Nested errors must usually throw exceptions
> ok 12 - Nested errors must be collected in collect-errors mode
> 1..12
> ok
> t/03-pubsub.t ............ 
> # Subtest: basics
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server (pub)
>     ok 2 - connected to our test redis-server (sub)
>     ok 3 - No subscribers to 'aa' topic
>     ok 4 - Delivered to 1 subscriber of topic 'aa'
>     ok 5 - subscribing processes pending queued commands
>     ok 6 - ... yep, got the expected 1 message
>     ok 7 - ... for the expected topic, 'aa'
>     ok 8 - Delivered to 1 subscriber of topic 'aa'
>     ok 9 - ... yep, got the expected 1 message
>     ok 10 - ... for the expected topic, 'aa', with two handlers
>     ok 11 - Delivered to 1 subscriber of topic 'aa'
>     ok 12 - ... received message while processing psubscribe(), two handlers
>     ok 13 - Delivered to 2 subscriber of topic 'aa'
>     ok 14 - ... yep, got the expected 2 messages
>     ok 15 - ... for the expected subs, 'aa' and 'a*', three handlers total
>     ok 16 - Delivered to 1 subscriber of topic 'aaa'
>     ok 17 - ... yep, got the expected 1 message
>     ok 18 - ... for the expected sub, 'a*'
>     ok 19 - Current subscriber has 4 subscriptions active
>     ok 20 - ... the publisher has none
>     ok 21 - No match to our subscriptions, unsubscribe doesn't change active 
> count
>     ok 22 - unsubscribe ok, active count is still 4, another handler is alive
>     ok 23 - unsubscribe done, active count is now 3, both handlers are done
>     ok 24 - ... yep, got the expected 1 message
>     ok 25 - ... for the expected key, 'a*'
>     ok 26 - unsubscribe with topic wildcard failed, active count is now 3
>     ok 27 - ... yep, got the expected 1 message
>     ok 28 - ... for the expected key, 'a*'
>     ok 29 - unsubscribe with 'bb' ok, active count is now 2
>     ok 30 - punsubscribe with 'a*' ok, active count is now 1
>     ok 31 - Publish to 'aa' now gives 0 deliveries
>     ok 32 - ... yep, no messages delivered
>     ok 33 - ... and an empty messages recorded set
>     ok 34 - Still some pending subcriptions active
>     ok 35 - .. still an error to try PING while in SUBSCRIBE mode
>     ok 36 - .. still an error to try INFO while in SUBSCRIBE mode
>     ok 37 - .. still an error to try KEYS while in SUBSCRIBE mode
>     ok 38 - .. still an error to try DBSIZE while in SUBSCRIBE mode
>     ok 39 - .. still an error to try SHUTDOWN while in SUBSCRIBE mode
>     ok 40 - ... but none anymore
>     ok 41 - Other commands ok after we leave subscriber_mode
>     1..41
> ok 1 - basics
> # Subtest: zero_topic
>     ok 1 - Delivered to 1 subscriber of topic '0'
>     ok 2 - ... yep, got the expected 1 message
>     ok 3 - ... for the expected topic, '0'
>     1..3
> ok 2 - zero_topic
> # Subtest: server is killed while waiting for subscribe
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server (sync parent)
>     # child is ready to test, signal parent to kill our server
>     ok 2 - pub/sub redis server killed
>     # parent killed pub/sub redis server, signal child to proceed
>     # parent waiting for child 2982803...
>     # now, check wait_for_messages(), should die...
>     ok 1 - properly died with EOF
>     ok 3 - wait_for_messages() properly detects a server that dies
>     1..3
> ok 3 - server is killed while waiting for subscribe
> # Subtest: server is restarted while waiting for subscribe
>     ok 1 - PARENT: connected to our test redis-server (sync parent)
>     # CHILD: reconnected (with a 10s timeout)
>     # CHILD: is ready to test, signal parent to restart our server
>     ok 2 - PARENT: pub/sub redis server killed
>     # PARENT: killed pub/sub redis server, signal child to proceed
>     # CHILD: launch wait_for_messages(2), with reconnect...
>     # CHILD: reconnected (with a 10s timeout)
>     # PARENT: has relaunched the server...
>     # CHILD: after 2 sec, nothing yet, retrying
>     # CHILD: launch wait_for_messages(2), with reconnect...
>     # CHILD: after 2 sec, nothing yet, retrying
>     # CHILD: launch wait_for_messages(2), with reconnect...
>     ok 3 - PARENT: published and the child is subscribed
>     # PARENT: waiting for child 2982809...
>     # CHILD: child received the message
>     ok 1 - CHILD: the message is what we want
>     ok 4 - PARENT: child has properly quit after wait_for_messages()
>     ok 5 - PARENT: pub/sub redis server killed
>     1..5
> ok 4 - server is restarted while waiting for subscribe
> 1..4
> ok
> #   Failed test 'info in pipelined mode'
> #   at t/04-pipeline.t line 52.
> # Compared $data->[1][0]
> #    got : HASH(0x56469056e870)
> # expect : undef
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 11.
> t/04-pipeline.t .......... 
> ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
> ok 2 - single-command pipeline
> ok 3 - pipeline with embedded error
> ok 4 - keys in pipelined mode
> not ok 5 - info in pipelined mode
> ok 6 - pipeline with multi-bulk reply
> ok 7 - large pipeline
> # Subtest: synchronous request with pending pipeline
>     ok 1 - queue a request
>     ok 2 - queue another request
>     ok 3 - synchronous request has expected return
>     ok 4 - synchronous request processes pending ones
>     1..4
> ok 8 - synchronous request with pending pipeline
> # Subtest: transaction with error and pipeline
>     ok 1 - multi started
>     ok 2 - queued
>     ok 3 - queued
>     ok 4 - queued
>     ok 5 - set
>     ok 6 - bad rpush value should be undef
>     ok 7 - bad rpush should give an error
>     ok 8 - get should work
>     1..8
> ok 9 - transaction with error and pipeline
> # Subtest: transaction with error and no pipeline
>     ok 1 - multi
>     ok 2 - transactional SET
>     ok 3 - transactional bad RPUSH
>     ok 4 - transactional GET
>     ok 5 - synchronous EXEC dies for intervening error
>     1..5
> ok 10 - transaction with error and no pipeline
> # Subtest: wait_one_response
>     ok 1 - after first wait_one_response(), first callback called
>     ok 2 - ... but not the second one
>     ok 3 - after second wait_one_response(), first callback was not called 
> again
>     ok 4 - ... but the second one was called
>     ok 5 - after final wait_all_responses(), first callback was called again
>     ok 6 - ... the second one was also called
>     ok 7 - after final wait_one_response(), first callback was not called 
> again
>     ok 8 - ... nor was the second one
>     1..8
> ok 11 - wait_one_response
> 1..11
> Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
> Failed 1/11 subtests 
> t/05-nonblock.t .......... 
> # Subtest: non-block TCP
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server via TCP
>     ok 2 - Nothing to read, didn't block
>     1..2
> ok 1 - non-block TCP
> # Subtest: non-block UNIX
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server via UNIX
>     ok 2 - Nothing to read, didn't block
>     1..2
> ok 2 - non-block UNIX
> 1..2
> ok
> t/06-on-connect.t ........ 
> # Subtest: on_connect
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - ... on_connect code was run
>     ok 3 - new connection is up and running
>     ok 4 - ... on_connect code was run again
>     ok 5 - new connection with reconnect enabled
>     ok 6 - ... on_connect code one again perfect
>     ok 7 - ... on_connect code works after reconnect also
>     1..7
> ok 1 - on_connect
> 1..1
> ok
>     # Sleeping 11 seconds, waiting for Redis to timeout...
>     # waiting for sleep command
> t/07-reconnect.t ......... 
> # Subtest: Command without connection, no reconnect
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - close connection to the server
>     ok 3 - send ping without reconnect
>     1..3
> ok 1 - Command without connection, no reconnect
> # Subtest: Command without connection or timeout, with database change, with 
> reconnect
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - send command with reconnect
>     ok 3 - send command with reconnect
>     ok 4 - close connection to the server
>     ok 5 - reconnect with read errors before write
>     1..5
> ok 2 - Command without connection or timeout, with database change, with 
> reconnect
> # Subtest: Reconnection discards pending commands
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - evilly close connection to the server
>     ok 3 - send command with reconnect
>     ok 4 - pending command discarded on reconnect
>     1..4
> ok 3 - Reconnection discards pending commands
> # Subtest: Conservative Reconnection dies on pending commands
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - evilly close connection to the server
>     ok 3 - send command with reconnect and conservative_reconnect should 
> raise an exception
>     ok 4 - pending command never arrived
>     1..4
> ok 4 - Conservative Reconnection dies on pending commands
> # Subtest: INFO commands with extra logic triggers reconnect
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - close connection to the server
>     ok 3 - reconnect on INFO command
>     1..3
> ok 5 - INFO commands with extra logic triggers reconnect
> # Subtest: KEYS commands with extra logic triggers reconnect
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - delete all keys
>     ok 3 - set known key
>     ok 4 - close connection to the server
>     ok 5 - reconnect on KEYS command
>     1..5
> ok 6 - KEYS commands with extra logic triggers reconnect
> # Subtest: Bad commands don't trigger reconnect
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - Bad commands still die
>     ok 3 - ... and don't trigger a reconnect
>     1..3
> ok 7 - Bad commands don't trigger reconnect
> # Subtest: Reconnect code clears sockect ASAP
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - Quit doesn't die if we are already disconnected
>     1..2
> ok 8 - Reconnect code clears sockect ASAP
> # Subtest: Reconnect gives up after timeout
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - Eventually it gives up and dies
>     ok 3 - ... minimum value for the reconnect reached
>     1..3
> ok 9 - Reconnect gives up after timeout
> # Subtest: Reconnect during transaction
>     ok 1 - spawn redis on port 36077
>     ok 2 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 3 - start transacion
>     ok 4 - set first key
>     ok 5 - respawn redis on port 36077
>     ok 6 - set second key
>     ok 7 - key "reconnect_1" should not exist
>     ok 8 - key "reconnect_2" should not exist
>     1..8
> ok 10 - Reconnect during transaction
> # Subtest: Reconnect works after WATCH + MULTI + EXEC
>     ok 1 - spawn redis on port 38551
>     ok 2 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 3 - set watch key
>     ok 4 - start watching key
>     ok 5 - start transacion
>     ok 6 - set key
>     ok 7 - execute transaction
>     ok 8 - respawn redis on port 38551
>     ok 9 - setting key should not fail
>     1..9
> ok 11 - Reconnect works after WATCH + MULTI + EXEC
> # Subtest: Reconnect works after WATCH + MULTI + DISCARD
>     ok 1 - spawn redis on port 36737
>     ok 2 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 3 - set watch key
>     ok 4 - start watching key
>     ok 5 - start transacion
>     ok 6 - set key
>     ok 7 - dscard transaction
>     ok 8 - respawn redis on port 36737
>     ok 9 - setting second key should not fail
>     1..9
> ok 12 - Reconnect works after WATCH + MULTI + DISCARD
> # Subtest: Reconnection by read timeout discards pending commands
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - set foo bar
>     ok 3 - sleep command is timeout
>     ok 4 - the value of key foo is bar
>     1..4
> ok 13 - Reconnection by read timeout discards pending commands
> 1..13
> ok
> t/08-unix-socket.t ....... 
> # Subtest: basic tests
>     ok 1 - Connected to the Redis server ok
>     ok 2 - ... set command via UNIX ok
>     ok 3 - ... and get command ok too
>     ok 4 - Connection closed ok
>     ok 5 - Command failed ok, no reconnect
>     1..5
> ok 1 - basic tests
> # Subtest: reconnect over UNIX daemon
>     ok 1 - Connected to the Redis server ok
>     ok 2 - ... and connection closed ok
>     ok 3 - set command via UNIX ok, reconnected fine
>     ok 4 - ... and get command ok too
>     1..4
> ok 2 - reconnect over UNIX daemon
> 1..2
> ok
> t/10-tie-list.t .......... 
> ok 1 - tied to our test redis-server
> ok 2 - pinged fine
> ok 3 - An object of class 'Redis::List' isa 'Redis::List'
> # Subtest: direct access
>     ok 1 - empty list ok
>     ok 2 - Set multiple values ok
>     ok 3 - Set single value ok
>     ok 4 - get single value ok
>     ok 5 - ... even with post/pre-increments
>     1..5
> ok 4 - direct access
> # Subtest: list functions
>     ok 1 - shift ok
>     ok 2 - ... expected value
>     ok 3 - ... resulting list as expected
>     ok 4 - push ok
>     ok 5 - ... resulting list as expected
>     ok 6 - pop ok
>     ok 7 - ... expected value
>     ok 8 - ... resulting list as expected
>     ok 9 - unshift ok
>     ok 10 - ... resulting list as expected
>     ok 11 - splice ok
>     ok 12 - ... resulting list as expected
>     ok 13 - ... original list as expected
>     1..13
> ok 5 - list functions
> ok 6 - empty list ok
> 1..6
> ok
> t/11-timeout.t ........... 
> # Subtest: server replies quickly enough
>     ok 1
>     ok 2 - the code didn't died, as expected
>     1..2
> ok 1 - server replies quickly enough
> # Subtest: server doesn't replies quickly enough
>     ok 1
>     ok 2 - the code died as expected
>     1..2
> ok 2 - server doesn't replies quickly enough
> # Subtest: server doesn't respond at connection (cnx_timeout)
>     ok 1 # skip This subtest is failing on some platforms
>     ok 2 # skip This subtest is failing on some platforms
>     ok 3 # skip This subtest is failing on some platforms
>     ok 4 # skip This subtest is failing on some platforms
>     1..4
> ok 3 - server doesn't respond at connection (cnx_timeout)
> 1..3
> ok
> t/20-tie-hash.t .......... 
> ok 1 - tied to our test redis-server
> ok 2 - pinged fine
> ok 3 - An object of class 'Redis::Hash' isa 'Redis::Hash'
> # Subtest: direct access
>     ok 1 - empty list ok
>     ok 2 - Set multiple values ok
>     ok 3 - Set single value ok
>     ok 4 - get single value ok
>     ok 5 - ... even with post/pre-increments
>     1..5
> ok 4 - direct access
> # Subtest: hash functions
>     ok 1 - keys ok
>     ok 2 - ... resulting list as expected
>     ok 3 - values ok
>     ok 4 - ... resulting list as expected
>     ok 5 - reverse() worked
>     1..5
> ok 5 - hash functions
> ok 6 - empty list ok
> 1..6
> ok
> t/30-scripts.t ........... 
> ok 1 - set foo => bar
> ok 2 - script exists returns false
> ok 3 - script load returns the sha1 of the script
> ok 4 - script exists returns true after loading
> ok 5 - evalsha returns true with the sha1 of the script
> ok 6 - eval returns true
> 1..6
> ok
> t/42-client_cmds.t ....... 
> # Subtest: client_{set|get}name commands
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
>     ok 2 - one client listed
>     ok 3 - ... no name set yet
>     ok 4 - client_setname() is supported, no errors
>     ok 5 - ... client_getname() returns new connection name
>     ok 6 - ... no name set yet
>     1..6
> ok 1 - client_{set|get}name commands
> # Subtest: client name via constructor
>     ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server, with a name
>     ok 2 - ...... name was properly set
>     ok 3 - ... with a dynamic name
>     ok 4 - ...... name was properly set
>     ok 5 - ... with a dynamic name, but returning undef
>     ok 6 - ...... name was not set
>     ok 7 - Using dynamic name, for generation 1
>     ok 8 - ... name was set properly, 'gen-2982907-1'
>     ok 9 - Using dynamic name, for generation 2
>     ok 10 - ... name was set properly, 'gen-2982907-2'
>     ok 11 - Using dynamic name, for generation 3
>     ok 12 - ... name was set properly, 'gen-2982907-3'
>     1..12
> ok 2 - client name via constructor
> 1..2
> ok
> t/44-no-unicode-bug.t .... 
> ok 1 - connected to our test redis-server
> ok 2 - assume test string are considered identical by perl
> ok 3 - same binary strings should point to same keys
> 1..3
> ok
> t/50-fork_safe.t ......... 
> ok 1
> # fork safe
> ok 2 - same port on parent
> ok 3 - different port on child
> ok 4 - 2 clients connected
> ok 5
> 1..5
> ok
> t/author-distmeta.t ...... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
> t/author-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/04-pipeline.t        (Wstat: 256 Tests: 11 Failed: 1)
>   Failed test:  5
>   Non-zero exit status: 1
> Files=18, Tests=283, 72 wallclock secs ( 0.13 usr  0.03 sys +  6.83 cusr  
> 1.27 csys =  8.26 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> dh_auto_test: error: /usr/bin/perl Build test --verbose 1 returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:;

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please marking it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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