On 26/06/2022 18:40, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Peter Michael Green (2022-06-26 19:01:04)
To enable rustls support with native or manual roots two crates which
are not in Debian, tokio-rustls and hyper-rustls. For tokio-rustls
Alexander Kjäll prepared a package, which I have just sponsored into
NEW. I don't see any evidence that anyone is working on hyper-rustls
Not sure what you are saying above.  Feature "rustls-native-certs" *is*
currently offered.  Are you saying that that is broken until either of
tokio-rustls or hyper-rustls gets into Debian?!?

In rust every optional dependency is automatically a "feature"
even if it is not actually intended to be used as one by downstream

I could have stripped out the rustls stuff completely, in retrospect
it would have been less confusing to do it that way, rather than
what I did which was going through the unsatisfiable optional
dependencies one by one patching out the optional depedency
and the features that depend on it. This left some "orphan" optional
dependencies which are satisfiable but aren't much use right now.

Depending on the "rustls-native-certs" feature is not a route to
functioning tls support.

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