Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
I don't get why you get a bzip2 error at all.

The strace shows that apt fails to download Packages.bz2 files (which
don't exist) and then it fetches Packages.gz instead. So why is it
even trying to bunzip2 the file? It should fork the gunzip method

Are we talking about the same strace report? The reports in traces/ are the error-spewing ones and traces/traces2/ shows an apt-get update running fine but creating a bunch of empty partial files. The former series show that each error-spewing bzip2 process tries to read from stdin and gets EOF immediately. Upon further investigation stdin turns out to refer to an empty partial file. Also, I tried bunzip2'ing a .gz file, to which bunzip2 simply responded with "This is not a valid .bz2 file", which is quite different from the weird and confusing errors you get when bunzip2'ing an empty file.

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