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Control: tags -1 upstream

Hi Wolfgang,

> Since 2.6.0~git20220518+dco-2 the following command fails:
> openvpn --mktun --dev-type tap --dev tap2
> with
> Assertion failed at dco_linux.c:442 (tt-type == DEV_TYPE_TUN)
> Exit due to fatal error
> I don't have dco support in the linux kernel.
> openvpn --disable-dco --mktun --dev-type tap --dev tap2
> works as a workaround, but I think --mktun --dev-type tap should continue to
> work without it.

Upstream is thinking about removing that feature, see


we are discussing to remove support for openvpn --mktun / --rmtun options
in the upcoming 2.6 release - because it complicates the code, and we
think there is no actual *need* for it anymore (and it's Linux only, etc).

With "ip", there is a submode "ip tuntap", which does the same thing,

  # openvpn --mktun --dev tun4


  # ip tuntap add mode tun name tun4

and similar for tap stuff, "user / group" settings, etc.

So, this message is intended to do two things

 - raise awareness "this will come in 2.6!"
 - and also gather feedback: *if* you use openvpn --mktun today, please
   test "ip tuntap..." and let us know if it gets the job done properly,
   or of something is missing.

The code is not removed yet, but will be, unless there are strong reasons
to keep it.




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