Dear maintainers,

more recent versions than the one packaged in Debian no longer use JDK 1.8 according to that comes bundled with the upstream tarballs. Moreover, now it seems to depend on JDK 11 or newer.

Beginning with version 2020.3, the build system relies on JDK 11. The newest release of this series was published on Github at .

With version 2022.1, the build system has changed and might need Kotlin. So it seems that any version with a release tag between 203.3645.34 (cf. ) and 213.7172.25 (most recent version published on March 15th, 2022, cf. ) might be suitable to get rid of the JDK 1.8 dependency.

Unfortunately, all these versions require IDEA 2020.1 at least for the build process (according to So an intermediate step might be necessary, e.g. building the latest release from the 201.8743 branch (cf. ).

Best regards,

Thomas Uhle

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