I installed the package above and when I tried the archivebox command I got the same error about the missing atomicwrites module.

This is easy to fix by adding lib/python3.9/site-packages/atomicwrites/__init__.py from https://pypi.org/project/atomicwrites/ 1.4.1 as debian/vendor/atomicwrites.py.

A better way of vendoring dependencies would be to use gbp components, so that they are versioned, uscan looks for new versions etc.

Another issue is that if I try to "archivebox add" an url I get these warnings:

    ! SINGLEFILE_BINARY: single-file (unable to detect version)
    ! READABILITY_BINARY: readability-extractor (unable to detect version)
    ! MERCURY_BINARY: mercury-parser (unable to detect version)

Indeed the page is archived as (I have the recommended dep chromium):
- Chrome > PDF
- Chrome Screenshot
- wget > HTML
- Archive.org
- Headers
- Chrome > HTML
- MEdia
- Git

But these fail:
- Chrome > SingleFile
- Readability
- Mercury
- Git (not sure why)

Getting the first three to work would require installing the JS dependencies listed in package.json which is a mess.

But after the atomicwrites fix the package seems to be usable as-is and worth uploading!


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