Here's an update on approx and IPv6:

* approx 5.4-1 (08 Dec 2013) first added the systemd socket files, but the postinst was still using update-inetd. This release also added an example xinetd conffile * approx 5.7-3 removed the use of update-inetd in the postinst to enable the service. The patch included in this bug (and blocked by #24043) is no longer relevant. * Users still using /etc/inetd.conf style inetd servers can add the tcp6 entry themselves and that will work. * (Most) users using the systemd socket files which use "ListenStream" will get IPv4 and IPv6 (unless BindIPv6Only is set) * I don't know how xinetd will handle it (how does the provided example specify what port to listen on?)

So I think the spirit of the original wishlist bug "Please add IPv6 support by default" is met by systemd doing that by default, and there are ways for enabling support on the other inetd servers.

So I think this can be closed, yay!

Matt Taggart

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