Hey folks,

I've not seen any followup on Ian's excellent proposals here - how do
make some progress on this please?

On Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 03:31:33PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
>I conclude that:
> * The description of the list should be changed from "countries" to
>   "regions and countries".
> * An entry should be provided in this list (specifically, a region
>   should be broken out from any possible parent(s)) when any of the
>   following are true:
>      (i) The region wants to have different configuration or
>          different defaults;
>      (ii) Users may not recognise the parent region name(s) as
>          applicable to them
>   This also applies when the region is not strictly speaking bounded
>   geographically.  For example, it applies when considering different
>   different political alignments (or, perhaps cultural, religious or
>   or ethnic groups) of people within a single geogrpahic region.
> * If there would otherwise be a large number of entries for a
>   particular region or country, use of a submenu is appropriate.
> * Names should be primarily chosen so that users know what entry to
>   pick in the menu; but it is reasonable to try to avoid giving
>   offence.
>Some worked examples:
> * Kosovo obviously needs to have its own entry.
> * Taiwan and the PRC need to be different entries.  The Taiwan one
>   should probably be labelled "Taiwan (ROC)", and the PRC one "China
>   (PRC)" because those will be recognised by more people and give
>   less offence.
> * In principle, there should be an entry for Uyghurs in Xinjiang who
>   wish to use the region's unofficial timezone (which is more suited
>   to local solar time than official PRC time), and the Uyghur
>   language.  But in practice actually selecting such an option in
>   one's computer configuration is likely to be very dangerous[1]
>   so we might be doing Uyghur users a disservice by offering them
>   this option.  This is a difficult case.
> * I think it will be necessary to have separate options in Bosnia
>   for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the one hand,
>   and for the Republika Srpska on the other.
> * Belgium needs two entries.  AIUI the keyboards as well as the
>   languages are different.
> * AIUI it would not be necessary to provide any entries for Kashmir;
>   the user can select India or Pakistan as appropriate.
>I could be wrong about the details above.
>[1] see eg
> https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/05/31/china-has-turned-xinjiang-into-a-police-state-like-no-other
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,
Tongue-tied & twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...

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