On Tue, 26 Jul 2022, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Source: python-django
> Control: found -1 python-django/2:4.0.6-1

I'm surprised that we uploaded an non-LTS release to unstable.

Chris, why did you do that? 

> I note that the changelog has this:
> "This security release mitigates the issue, but we have identified
> improvements to the Database API methods related to date extract and
> truncate that would be beneficial to add to Django 4.1 before it's final
> release. This will impact 3rd party database backends using Django 4.1
> release candidate 1 or newer, until they are able to update to the API
> changes. We apologize for the inconvenience."
> I guess that means that these breakages might be intentional, but even if
> all this is to be expected, it would be good to add a *versioned* Breaks to
> python-django3 for all the packages that it really breaks (not just the
> autopkgtest).

I don't think that the above changelog entry is relevant. The issue is
broader, it's more likely that we moved from 3.2 to 4.0 and that many
packages have not been prepared for that switch.

  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀   Raphaël Hertzog <hert...@debian.org>
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