Control: notfound -1 1013531
Control: close -1 1013531

Dear Antoine, all,

You marked this bug as fixed with the same version as it was reported against. This "confuses" the BTS in the sense that it doesn't consider the bug to be fixed. Hence, I removed the "found" version to improve the situation.

Your last upload included the amd64 binary. I have triggered a binNMU to get it build on a buildd because otherwise the package wasn't migrating (already for 60 days).

Assuming that with the fixes above, the package can finally migrate.

One thing I spotted while investigating the situation. maim now hard-codes the Build-Depends and Depends on libslopy7.6 which means that during slop transitions maim needs a source full upload. libslop-dev should always depend on the correct named library already, so it shouldn't be needed as a Build-Depends and unless this are implemented wrong, ${shlibs:Depends} should also generate the right Depends. If you drop both, the package only needs a no-change rebuild (binNMU) during transitions, making the transition much easier to manage from the Release Team side.


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