Am 08.08.2011 um 18:53 teilte Gunnar Wolf mit:

Hi Gunnar,

just a gentle reminder.

I do not understand so much about biblatex and biber. On [1] (see comment from PLK) it is recommended to run biber on the aux file to generate the bibliography. I could download your document from [2] and processed the aux file using biber (bibtex fails to run anyway). I'm not sure how the resulting pdf is expected to look like, but each the part doesn't contain the full bibliography and the generated seco3.bbl contains the information which part of the bib belongs to which document part.

So my conclusion would be: when using biber the bibliography is in one files instead of partial blx.aux files.

Can we close the issue?



Upon installing biblatex 1.6-1, my book (which includes a references
section per part) no longer generates the partial *.blx.aux files when
being built. My preamble includes:

\usepackage[style=authoryear, backref=true, backrefstyle=two,
     refsection=part, block=ragged]{biblatex}
\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{ autocite=inline, sortcites=true,
     labelyear=true, uniquename=true}

So, from the seco3.bib file, four files (one per part --
seco31.blx.aux, seco32.blx.aux, seco33.blx.aux, seco34.blx.aux) should
be generated, and bibtex is run for each. Of course, if I run bibtex
on the core seco3.aux file, the complete reference section is repeated
at the end of each part.

Downgrading to 1.4c-1 fixes the problem.

Full sources for the book are available on request (of course, I'm not
inlining them here in order not to bloat the BTS and your mailbox)


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