Simon McVittie:

I've had discussions similar to this one as a dbus maintainer, since
dbus-daemon is another package with a tmpfiles.d fragment that is
affected by this change. I don't think this is as simple as either of
the two obvious opposing viewpoints:

- this dependency is always OK, take no action
- this dependency is always wrong, revert the feature completely


I think it would make sense for dh_installtmpfiles to have two modes:

- Assume tmpfiles.d snippets are required for the package's functionality
     - Generate a dependency on a tmpfiles.d implementation
     - Run it unconditionally
- Assume tmpfiles.d snippets are nice-to-have
     - Generate a Suggests or Recommends on a tmpfiles.d implementation,
       or no dependency relationship at all
     - Only run it if one is installed



Thanks to all for their input. I have read some of the further emails (like Ansgar's two types of tmpfiles and Colin Watson's proposed patch) and my reply also cover a bit of those despite not being a direct reply to those concrete emails (threading-wise). Also, thanks to Colin for taking the time to write a proposed patch. While I hope to solve the problem in a different way, I very much appreciated the gesture and effort.

While I agree with such modes could exist, I do not see what makes them worth the effort it require to code/maintain and teach "every" Debian contributor/debhelper user about (fsvo "every"). More so if it is an option the maintainer has to provide to dh_installtmpfiles in some cases as I feel we already require way to many brain cells from maintainers to keep track of all the packaging complexity.

As I see it, the simplest solution - both implementation-wise and cognitive-load-on-maintainer-wise is to go back to a runtime check that asserts 'if [ -x "$(command -v systemd-tmpfiles)" ] ; then ... fi' (instead of asserting we are running under systemd, which was the previous check).

It would go back to the previously known status quo (except also fixing #1013969), which has worked for years. Whatever used to work would still work. We would not introduce any new load on to maintainers and we avoid the "buildd images blow up" issues triggered via passwd.

The primary downside I see is that stuff might break if you are not running our default init-system because you are not guaranteed to have systemd-tmpfiles there. However, it is not a regression. Additionally, I feel this case falls under "Those interested in exploring such alternatives need to provide the necessary development and packaging resources to do that work." statement[1]. Given the "necessary development" can now be as simple as installing the standalone version of systemd-tmpfiles I feel this is quite acceptable on a trade-off scale. Admittedly, if I could avoid this downside without introducing an command line option, I might be swayed (depending on the exact idea). But I cannot see a command line option being a net positive here on "total energy spent vs. actual benefit" for the Debian project as a whole.

In summary, I think a runtime check for systemd-tmpfiles is the lesser evil for this case and that should be our solution to this problem.



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