Control: tags -1 +moreinfo

Hi Jeremy, Adam,

First of all, it was nice to see you both in person at DebConf 22.
Hope we will meet again.

On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 5:09 PM Jeremy Bicha <> wrote:
> Is having lerc compression support critical enough on i386 to justify
> making extra work for Ubuntu? It already is not critical enough to be
> enabled on some Debian release architectures.
 Well, there were eleven tiff uploads this year (meaning one upload by
21 days on average) and two uploads in 2021. You already have a quite
simple patch to apply. How much burden would that be on Ubuntu? Can I
do the tiff uploads for Ubuntu as well? That would get some pressure
out of you guys.

> Most people using Debian should be using amd64.
 I don't have statistics, but that's the most common machine type
nowadays. It doesn't mean it's not allowed to use any other
architecture with Debian.


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