Hi Florian (2022.09.10_15:53:28_+0000)
> Dear python packaging Team,
> in docs/ansible_detailed.rst#noteworthy-differences it is layed out
> that for newer ansible versions,
> which split ansible-core and ansible , ansible 5 is satisfying
> mitogens (ansible) depedencies.
> Next upstream iteration ansible 6 will be supported.

Sorry, I've read this bug several times, and I'm really struggling to
understand it.

I don't know what in the Noteworthy Differences section of the file
you're referring to, but I can't find anything that seems relevant.

> Your control file however has a nearly explicit dependency on debians
> current ansible-core.
> For bookworm that amounts to a "de-facto inverse dependency" of
> ansible-core on ansible-mitogen.

I have no idea what this means. Examples would help.

Can you please explain what behaviour you are expecting that you aren't
getting? Or how this dependency is causing a problem for you?

ansible-mitogen only needs ansible-core, not ansible. However for
friendliness to backports etc. I allow either ansible-core or ansible to
satisfy the dependency.

These days, ansible Depends on ansible-core.

> I beleive I saw autopkg-tests and I wonder if You could relax Your
> control file to reflect that and instead fail only if tests fail.

Again, I don't understand what is being proposed here, sorry. How about
a patch?


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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