Severity: normal

Thanks for bringing back the rc-buggy -> experimental symlink.  Alas, it's
not functional:

W: Conflicting distribution: rc-buggy
InRelease (expected rc-buggy but got experimental)

And indeed, InRelease has:

Suite: experimental
Codename: experimental

while any other release has them distinct:

Suite: unstable
Codename: sid

Suite: testing
Codename: bookworm

Suite: oldoldstable
Codename: stretch

14:52 < pabs> yeah, its only a symlink, not a proper codename
14:52 <+Unit193> 'devel' in Ubuntu does that too.
14:52 < pabs> also infuriating
14:52 <+kilobyte> sid has Suite: unstable Codename: sid
14:52 < pabs> yes, thats a proper codename rather than just a symlink 
14:53 <+urbec> long ago there was some disagreement, if rc-buggy is a
               codename or a bad joke
14:53 < pabs> hmm, there isn't an open bug about the rc-buggy symlink, but
              there is one for Ubuntu devel IIRC
14:54 <+kilobyte> urbec: why not both? :p
14:54 <+urbec> the risk about opening a bug would be that someone just might
               delete it.

A codename that's non-functional is of no use, thus I'm going to take the
risk: could you please fill in the codename?

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