
On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 1:57 AM T.A. van Roermund <t...@van-roermund.nl> wrote:
> I'm getting the following messages in the syslog:
> Sep 15 01:03:21 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: init-Script for system wide 
> fetchmail daemon...
> Sep 15 01:03:21 fetchmail[2245]: Starting mail retriever agent: fetchmail.
> Sep 15 01:03:21 systemd[1]: Started LSB: init-Script for system wide 
> fetchmail daemon.
> Sep 15 01:03:21 fetchmail[2263]: starting fetchmail 6.4.33 daemon
> Sep 15 01:03:25 fetchmail[2310]: fetchmail: WARNING: Running as root is 
> discouraged.
> It seems that this started a few days ago, after upgrading fetchmail from 
> version 6.4.32-1 to 6.4.33-1.
 You are using the normal initscript for retrieving emails. But in the
background the systemd service got enabled with 6.4.33-1 and you need
to disable it by hand:
$ systemctl --user disable fetchmail.service
$ systemctl --user stop fetchmail.service
# systemctl --global disable fetchmail
The last command needs to run as root.

Going to upload an updated package which no longer enables the systemd
service file.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

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