Package: borgbackup
Version: 1.2.2-1
X-Debbugs-Cc: Thomas Waldmann <>


I've been talking to Thomas (borgbackup upstream) about what is going to
happen with borg and it turns out this is not entirely trivial.

Once ugrading to borgbackup 2.x, you cannot continue to use borgbackup
1.x repositories. Rather you have to upgrade them which has to be done
with "borg transfer --upgrader=From12To20 ...". In particular, this will
copy all of the backup data.

So one option is to just upload borgbackup 2.x under the existing
package name. Doing so will immediately break all borg setups during the
upgrade. That's bad. Maybe the next thought is automatically converting
all repositories during upgrade, but this is totally out of question,
because the Debian package doesn't know the repositories and if it did,
it wouldn't be clear that they have sufficient space for temporarily
storing another copy. Quite obviously, this is not as simple as it
seems initially.

So I've been talking to Thomas about this, and we figured that it would
be good to move the borg repository upgrade out of the Debian stable
upgrade process. Quite obviously, you cannot upgrade your repositories
before bookworm as buster doesn't include borgbackup 2.x. So if you want
to do it later, bookworm must include borgbackup 1.x and borgbackup 2.x.
Ideally, doing the dist-upgrade would not switch from borgbackup 1.x to
borgbackup 2.x automatically.

So unless we want to loose sanity, we want two borgbackup source
packages in bookworm. One for 1.x and one for 2.x. Then next question is
what happens to /usr/bin/borg. I think we have basically three options:

a) It belongs to borgbackup 1.x and borgbackup 2.x uses a different name
   (e.g. borg2). Prior art: python3. This makes dist-upgrades easy, but
   everyone will have to change their scripts.
b) It belongs to borgbacku 2.x and borgbackup 1.x uses a different name
   (e.g. borg1). Prior art: openssh-client-ssh1. This makes
   dist-upgrades annoying and everyone will have to change their scripts
   twice (once during dist-upgrade).
c) It is flexible. It could be managed using update-alternatives. I
   suggest that bookworm gives a preference to borgbackup 1.x to make
   dist-upgrades painless.

At this time, I prefer the flexible route.

Beyond the cli, there also is the borg Python module. This presently is
located in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages and thus importable by other
packages. I think this is wrong. Upstream clearly says[1] that the borg
module should not be used directly. As such, I think it would be better
to package it as a private module and move it to
/usr/lib/<binarypackage>/<modulename>.  Once doing so, the
coinstallability of two borg modules becomes trivial.

If we want to follow this plan, borgbackup 2.x should be uploaded rather
sooner than later to clear new.

Do you agree with all of this?



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