That's because the settings app uses GTK 4, while `nm-connection-editor`
still uses GTK 3.  In order for the strongSwan plugin to work with GTK
4, it has to be built with `--with-gkt4`.  That creates an additional
version of the editor that's linked against GTK 4 (besides the one
linked against GTK 3).  These are actually two shared libraries that are
loaded dynamically at runtime by the main editor plugin depending on
whether it's loaded by a GTK 3 or 4 application.

Ah, thanks for the information. So that means at some point we should enable
that in our build I guess.

Yep. Is it a problem if the package depends on both libgtk-3-0 and libgtk-4-0 as well as libnma0 and libnma-gtk4-0? Or does that require a separate package for the GTK 4 version? Or is there some metadata magic that can make it work with GTK 3 and/or GTK 4 (at least one, but does not require both)?

Technically, as I mentioned before, the main plugin (, that's the one actually loaded by NM or any other GUI, does not depend on libgtk or libnma. However, depending on whether it was loaded by an application that uses GTK 3 or GTK 4 (it uses dlsym() to search for a GTK3-only symbol), it then dynamically loads either or via dlopen(), which are linked against the corresponding libgtk/libnma. So I guess one could argue that neither is a hard dependency for the package as the application that loads the plugin must have such a dependency on either version of these libraries anyway (at least libgtk, not sure about libnma). So maybe those dependencies could also be omitted?


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