Package: radicale
Version: 3.1.8-1

I am testing a recently configured Freedombox image, where I configured
radicale to test as a calendar and address book server.

My address book is a 518KiB vcard file exported from evolution, with my
collection of addresses.  When I try to use the radicale web interface
to "Upload addressbook or calendar", I get "please wait" for a while
until I finally get 'Error: 400' and no address book has shown up in the
list of sources in evolution.

I had a look at journalctl -f to see if I could find the error, and
found this one:

  okt. 05 18:50:51 freedombox apache-access[20633]: - pere [05/Oct/2022:18:50:48 +0000] "PUT
    /radicale/pere/e6a92736-e44d-8628-9581-babb888059de/ HTTP/2.0" 400
    240 ""; "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux
    x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.15.2
    Chrome/83.0.4103.122 Safari/537.36 Konqueror (WebEnginePart)"

Nothing showed up under /var/lib/radicale/.  In
/var/log/uwsgi/app/radicale.log I found the following:

  [2022-10-05 18:50:48 +0000] [13882] [WARNING] Base prefix (from
    HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME) must not end with '/': '/radicale/'
  [2022-10-05 18:50:51 +0000] [13882] [WARNING] Bad PUT request on
    '/pere/e6a92736-e44d-8628-9581-babb888059de/': Failed to serialize
    item None from 'pere/e6a92736-e44d-8628-9581-babb888059de': 'VCARD
    components must contain at least 1 FN'
  [pid: 13882|app: 0|req: 122/226] (pere) {98 vars in 1735
    bytes} [Wed Oct 5 18:50:48 2022] PUT
    /radicale/pere/e6a92736-e44d-8628-9581-babb888059de/ => generated 31
    bytes in 2715 msecs (HTTP/2.0 400) 3 headers in 113 bytes (65
    switches on core 0)

It look like radicale do not like the vcard file generated by evolution
from an earlier radicale address book collection.  I got more than 1000
addresses there, so it will be some work to figure out why it did not
like the format with so little information.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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