I spent some time tracing and reproducing what might have been this same bug 
820916, and documented my travels on some long forgotten thread over at 
Serverfault (as user "ThePythonicCow"):


I ended up building a nice little test case - a shell script of a dozen or so 
lines, that reproduced the hang on the rsync version 3.2.3 in my Ubuntu 22.04 
system.  I posted that test case at the above serverfault page.

Then I was looking around for where to file this as a bug, came across 
https://rsync.samba.org, where newer rsync versions, up to 3.2.7 were available.

My hanging test case, which depended on using rsync --verbose option twice, no 
longer hangs with 3.2.7

Given that there might not be enough detail in this old 820916 bug to know 
whether or not whatever failed back then has been fixed or not, perhaps it's 
time to close 820916 as "maybe fixed - reopen if you can still reproduce it."

                Paul Jackson

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