Hi Guy,

On Wed, Nov 09, 2022 at 04:55:36PM +0100, Guy Durrieu wrote:
> Hi Salvatore,
> Thanks for your quick answer !
> I tried the command "rasdaemon --disable" (as sudoer) , but it blocks and
> apparently doesn't product any effect. I also tried to directly kill the
> rasdaemon process, without success.

To test the behaviour without having rasdaemon started at all, do mask
the service and the reboot:

systemctl mask rasdaemon.service

(to unmask again, systemctl unmask rasdaemon.service).

> Additionnally, I am not sure to know how to proceed in order to apply the
> patch you sent. Could you give me some hint ?

There is our documentation at
. But would you be willing to test (but be aware, unsigned!) test
packages fetched by https://people.debian.org ?


I have put a sha256sum file with signature on it with my gpg key to
have an additional verification on those.



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