Package: ytfzf
Version: 2.5.2-1
Severity: normal

We are planning for the youtube-dl package to become an empty package that simply depends on yt-dlp (see ). Your package has a "Suggests: youtube-dl". However, in looking through the source code, I can see that it also supports (and prefers) yt-dlp.

[ -z "$ytdl_path" ] && { command_exists "yt-dlp" && ytdl_path="yt-dlp" || ytdl_path="youtube-dl"; }

Please test your package with yt-dlp and update the Suggests to replace "youtube-dl" with "yt-dlp" once you've verified that it works as intended. Alternatively, since I see that you're backporting your package to Debian stable, "Suggests: yt-dlp | youtube-dl" would also be acceptable.


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