Personally I find the story of Daryl Davis inspiring, and believe such
approach have higher chances of success than one using contempt and

<URL: >

The Homepage URL is a statement of fact about a package, ie its origin
and where users can check out the upstream information.  It is also
useful to track down upstream if it move in the future.  It is not a
useful marketing channel, but can improve search engine ranking slightly
due to its use within Debian.  I believe the advantages of machine
readable links to the package origin outweigh any improved search
ranking, as I believe the latter is very minuscule.

If I understand the objections about the code, it is about the strings
'#WLM' and 'Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes.'.  The former seem to be
a reference to 'white lives matters', a sad reaction to the 'black lives
matter' movement that have gained traction the last few years[1], and
the latter is a reference to a cristian quote initially from Bernard of
Chartres, according to wikipedia[2], and later made more known by Isac
Newton.  As I see it these strings have no operational function for the
software and I have no attachment to them whatsoever.  I understand that
the objections is regarding believed intent behind the strings.  I do
not see any point in spending time discussing them, and thus removed
them from the binary.  In my opinion they have no marketing or
promotional value in the source, so I see very little gain from taking
the extra work to repack the tarball with these 9 lines from the source

 [1] <URL: >
 [2] <URL: >

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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