Package: usrmerge
Version: 33


Andreas says:

> now that glibc is fixed and creates appropriate /lib{23,64,x32}
> symlinks, can we update usrmerge and debootstrap (how many variants?) to
> not leave unused (and unowned) /lib{23,64,x32} symlinks and empty
> /usr/lib{23,64,x32} directories that may disappear during piuparts tests?
> I'd prefer to fix that properly and not work around it in piuparts.
> For usrmerge it should be rather easy: there is no need to "convert" not
> existing paths.
> We could add a versioned Depends on libc6 (and the equivalent libcX on
> !linux)) to usrmerge (and usr-is-merged) to ensure a "fixed" libc is
> already installed (and only "fixed" libc-foo packages can be installed
> afterwards). That Depends should be sufficient to also keep out older
> libc-foo since iirc libc6 and libc6-foo are (transitively) version-locked).

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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