Am 11.07.2022 um 16:16 teilte Petr Nivnický mit:

Hello Petr,

All flags with emblems (with worldflags package
worldflags) are not generated when Czech or Slovak babel are used. Other
languages work. All flags without emblems work even with Czech or Slovak
babel. So, I think this could be related to texlive-lang-czechslovak

Testing document, error repeateble in Gummi, TeXworks and TeXstudio.

\usepackage[english]{babel} % English works
%\usepackage[spanish]{babel} % Spanish works
%\usepackage[czech]{babel} % Czech does NOT work
%\usepackage[slovak]{babel} % Slovak does NOT work


/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/worldflags/worldflag_SK.tex:10: Missing number,
treated as zero.
<to be read again>

The issue is still present in Debian unstable. The ldf files for Czech
and Slovak both read:

%% Czech Language Definition File
%% Please report errors to: Petr Tesa\v r\'ik
%%                          babel at

Are you willing to contact Petr to get an opinion about the issue? At
least we should learn if the issue is in the ldf files or not.



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