On Fri, 9 Dec 2022 at 17:51, Petter Reinholdtsen <p...@hungry.com> wrote:

> Since 2022-12-05 the Debian sid builds of linuxcnc have failed.  After
> some days scratching our heads, we discovered that the problem
> originated from 'ps' changout its output format.  Running 'ps -o comm=
> <pid>' used to include '<defunct>' if the process was a zombie, but with
> the new version it no longer did.
Interesting, comm doesn't show it but cmd does.

It happened in this commit

That was 7 years ago, the function escape_command got duplicated into ps so
it wasn't exposed from the library.
The "add the defunct" bit wasn't, I'll try to see why.

Matching on the state is a better idea anyway.

 - Craig

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