The software outputs: "No access to printer device file".

Normal user should be added to lp group to make `mtink` work
and it has been added to it indeed, so it is in the /etc/group file
beside the `lp` and `lpadmin` groups, yet the software seems
to be unable to access device file from the USB-conncted EPSON XP-2100.
Dependencies and suggestions are installed in the system.

I have experienced this package to be working on Ubuntu 22.04 a month ago.

Hello Nicholas,
I guess the Maintainer would need more information about this issue.
A first step might be to provide a "strace" of a mtink startup.

Therefore please install the packages: bsdutils strace

Then execute following line in a terminal:
  script -c "LANG=C strace -f mtink" -a "mtink-strace_$(date 

This will create a file like mtink-strace_2022-12-11_14-16-46.log
Maybe you could compress this file and attach it to your answer to this mail?
(Please use the "reply all", to have the bug in CC in your answer.)

Kind regards,

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