On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 05:41:21PM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> El 11/12/22 a las 16:25, Geert Stappers escribió:
> > I'm fine with deleting the current repo at Salsa
> > to make room for a repository that has more history.
> Please do so.

https://salsa.debian.org/debian/hello/edit has no "Delete project"
button for me.  (privileges issue)

https://salsa.debian.org/stappers/hello/edit does have that button
(for reference purposes)

> It's not only about the history but about the conventions,
> there is a DEP document which recommends a layout for branches and so on,
> and the repo you created (I'm afraid) does not follow it at all.
> This is really not a matter of adding fields to a control file, if that was
> all, it would be already done. This really involves a change in the way I'm
> maintaining the package, which at this point I'm still not comfortable.
> My plan for this would be to create it under my "sanvila" namespace.
> But there are a lot of other work to do which is more important than this.
> This is still wishlist.

The wish is:  Make `debcheckout hello` possible.

Thanks for expressing "to create it in sanvila namespace".

I confirm that https://salsa.debian.org/debian/hello has only 1 branch.
And that one branch makes it possible what this bugreport is about.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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