Control: retitle -1 radicale: cannot bind to all ipv4 interfaces

Quoting Ricardo Matos (2022-12-19 14:12:39)
> In hosts parameter of of radicale i set the bind parameter to
> hosts:
> When i do an "netstat -anop |grep 5232"
> It just appears bind to
> With the inet6 it don't have this problem
> This is on fresh install of Debian 10
> I Don't know if it an os permission.

Thanks for clarifying - I understand your described problem now. 

I have no experience myself with directly exposing radicale to external
interfaces - it is not recommended to do that, and what I recommend and
document in the package is to use uWSGI as a proxy http server.

Maybe if you use systemd you will need to relax some of the security
restrictions.  More details on that is here:

Please tell if you find a solution.  Depending on what works, maybe it
makes sense to relax the systemd settings, or even if I cannot be
convinced to adjust the default settings for the package others might
find our conversation here helpful.

Thanks for reporting,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:
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