
On Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 01:20:52AM +0800, Charles Yang wrote:
> Launching vim without any arguments, it reports errors like below endlessly:
> ```
> Error detected while processing CursorMoved Autocommands for
> "*"..function
> <SNR>25_OnCursorMovedNormalMode[1]..<SNR>25_AllowedToCompleteInCurrentBuffer[1]..<SNR>25_AllowedToCompleteInBuffer:
> line   12:
> E117: Unknown function: youcompleteme#filetypes#AllowedForFiletype
> ```
> , making vim almost unusable.

Mhhh. How did you enable youcompleteme in vim, via vim-addon-manager or
via the (in newer vims) builtin :packadd command?

If you had enabled it via vim-addon-manager in the past this is likely
a duplicate of #1019188 where I wrote:
| Upstream added/split out two new files which I had not recorded for
| install by v-a-m, so it could indeed not be found. Me fixing the
| registry entry doesn't resolve the problem completely through as you
| will have to then reinstall the plugin with v-a-m (that is inherent
| in its design).

If you run 'vam list' it will show youcompleteme as "broken". You
should be able to install it again to fix the problem. You technically
have to do this after every update with every installed plugin but in
practice you usually get away without it…

It is one of the reasons vim-addon-manager is deprecated within Debian,
so that might also be the right time for you to drop its usage. Just
tell vam to remove youcompleteme in that case.

You can then either load the plugin on demand with
    :packadd youcompleteme
in vim or you can add a line like
    packadd! vimcompleteme
to your vimrc configuration to load it always
(like it was the case with v-a-m before).

It should be similar for the other vim plugins you might have installed,
but not all of them might have transitioned yet.

Hope that helps & this is indeed that issue,
otherwise I will have to dig a bit deeper
what is wrong as it works here for me™.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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