* Norwid Behrnd <nbeh...@yahoo.com>, 2022-12-22 11:58:
You are right that there should be only one ticket, and that the one filed later (1026114) is the one to retain. Thus, my upload by yesterday refers to ticket 1026144 only.

Because I started this ticket no longer valid, of course I equally should close it

Beware that #1026095 and #1026114 and are currently merged, so if you close one, the other one will be closed too. If you want to close #1026095 only, you need to unmerge them first.

But it's less work to keep the bugs merged and not close anything for now. :)

[2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=989710

I'd recommend merging #989710, instead of closing it, too. That way the submitter, and perhaps other people who subscribed to the old bug, will be notified only when the package reaches Debian.

Jakub Wilk

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