Hi. I'm working on this now.

After considering available options, I'm going to host it under my
"sanvila" namespace for now.

My work in progress is here:


But there are some technical and philosophical issues unsolved yet.

For example, this one:

I have just imported version 2.10-2. Now dpkg-buildpackage
does not work because it expects some timestamps to be the ones in the
orig.tar.gz where upstream maintainer already ran autoconf and friends.

I know that autoreconf may help here, but I would prefer not to be forced
to use it. What are my options?

In the past I've used the trick of adding some touch statements in debian/rules
(the current recode package, which I still have to update, is an example of 

Is there some git-buildpackage specific solution for this?

Related to the above: Is it acceptable/desirable to put a package in git when 
it may not
be compiled from git yet? Or maybe I should start the git history in a point 
where such build
from git is actually possible? Should I add a warning somewhere that only the 
version is expected to work, or maybe that's already implicit?


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