Dylan Aïssi kirjoitti 9.1.2023 klo 10.48:

On Tue, 3 Jan 2023 14:55:47 +0200 Timo Aaltonen <tjaal...@debian.org> wrote:
Andrea Pappacoda kirjoitti 20.12.2022 klo 22.01:
By looking at <https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Loader/tags> it seems
that version 1.3.238 has been tagged with a "v" prefix, and not with an "sdk-"
one; this means that this version is still in development, right?

Correct, only sdk-releases have consistent tags across the stack
(including glslang, spirv-tools etc).

In the meantime, can we have the sdk- tag packaged? I would
need it to update gfxreconstruct to in order to fix its FTBFS
issue. I can help if needed.

okay, pushed the branches, but build fails because it can't find the headers anymore, so if you have ideas how to fix that then that'd be great :)


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