On 14.05.06 04:53:13, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le samedi 13 mai 2006 ? 23:13 +0200, Andreas Pakulat a ?crit :
> > I'm also involved in the thread on debian-user-german regarding this
> > issue and I'd like to second Norberts statement that gdm doesn't forward
> > the locale information to the session. 
> And I can assure you it does.

And I can assure you it doesn't, on my system.

> > My /etc/default/locale contains:
> > 
> > ,----[ locale ]-
> > | LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
> > | LANGUAGE=de
> > `----
> > 
> > And after starting a failsafe session locale tells me LANG="" and
> > LC_*="POSIX", so there surely is something wrong. 
> Do you have anything in your ~/.dmrc ?

Yes, normally it is:

,----[ .dmrc ]-
| [Desktop]
| Session=default

while at the moment (after logging into the xterm failsafe) it reads:

,----[ .dmrc ]-
| [Desktop]
| Session=GDM_Failsafe.XTERM

> > I also do not understand why it is so hard to remove the 3 lines form
> > the init script and add 2 lines to the pam configuration of gdm. Just
> > out of curiosity I added those 2 pam-env lines and that fixes the issue.
> This has already been explained in the same bug report. The pam stuff
> overrides the per-user setting with a system-wide default, which is of
> course the wrong thing to do.

Well, actually it has been explained a bit more in depth in "another"
one regarding the same thing. I wasn't aware that gdm has a menu for the
user to choose a locale. Then yes, pam.d is not the right solution, but
it seems that the reading in the init-script is not always sufficient.

It seems like Norbert has it working too on his system for LANG, so
there's a good chance something else is "wrong" here. I have no clue
what could influence the "forwarding" though, I don't know too much
about X11 session startup, i.e. what is done during this/which scripts
are called. But I'd really like to find out what the problem is, so if
you have any idea please tell me.


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