Source: mupdf
Severity: normal
Control: found -1 0.6-1

Hello maintainer,

Looking at sioyek I noticed that the binary is quite large, 36 MB. Most of that comes from libmupdf.a, specifically from the embedded fonts in that static

libmupdf.a includes the fonts in the resources/fonts directory. Most of the
included fonts are already packaged in Debian. The only missing font is
SourceHanSerif. However, this is the same as Noto Serif CJK, which is in
Debian, see #859480.

Additionally, all the fonts in resources/fonts are in compiled form and the
source is not included in the original source package or added in

I think this situation violates section 4.13 -- Embedded code copies -- in the
Debian Policy. I am not sure, that's why I chose severity normal.

The solution would be to stop embedding the fonts and add dependencies on the corresponding Debian packages. This is easy enough for the binary packages mupdf and mupdf-tools. It is somewhat trickier for libmupdf, because it is only installed as a static library. I don't know if it's possible to automatically
make users of libmupdf.a depend on the fonts packages.


Victor Westerhuis

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