On Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 12:21:29PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Julian Gilbey (2023-01-29 12:03:30)
> > If you would like me to go ahead and work on this, please say.
> Sure I would like you to go ahead - why would I not want that?
> Sounds like a fun project, and Free, and beneficial to Debian.


> One thing you might consider is to name the resulting package something
> (similar but) different than fontawesome, to not upset upstream
> developers by hijacking their name for something arguably different.

A good point.  I was thinking of creating a GitHub project called
FontAwesome-DFSG, with a README explaining what is it, how it was
created and how it is not endorsed by the FontAwesome "owners".  But
I'm not sure what to call the Debian package - it is essentially just
a repackaging of the FontAwesome fonts.  Perhaps we could call the
source package fonts-font-awesome-dfsg, and the binary packages
fonts-font-awesome-4.7, fonts-font-awesome-dfsg-5,
fonts-font-awesome-dfsg-6 and fonts-font-awesome-dfsg (for the current
version of the upstream font)?

I'm open to ideas!

Best wishes,


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